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6、第六章 TO BE OR NOT TO BE 第六章百分百全分支选项攻略:https://www.18183.com/gonglue/202311/37b3vdbh.html(点击或复制地址查看) 第六章是《TO BE OR NOT TO BE》总共有10个场景...

“To be or not to be”这一莎士比亚的名句,他认为正确的译法是——要不要这样过日子?这也是他叩问自己一生的问题,而他的答卷今日画上句点。

在这个句子中,“To be or not to be: that is the question.” 是莎士比亚剧作中的原句,所以这是一句直接引语。This is a quote from Shakespeare. “Quote” 作动词使用时的意思是“直...

The one that shapes my destiny will always be myself rather than the God. I have the final say of being a demon or immortal. 6、若命运不公,就和它斗到底。 Maybe the fate tre...

10. Let bygones be bygones. 既往不咎。 11. Fear always springs from ignorance. 恐惧源于无知。 12. He who risks nothing gains nothing. 收获与风险并存。 13. Necessity is the ...

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